Literate Drag and Drop Using the Racket GUI
1 Introduction
2 Literate Programming
3 Requiring the Racket GUI
4 A Class for Draggable Objects
4.1 Position of the Object
4.2 Drawing and Clicking on an Object
4.3 Dragging an Object
4.4 Final Class
5 Draggable Flag
5.1 Flag draw Method
5.2 Flag contains? Method
6 Draggable Fish
7 Defining the Canvas
8 Handling Mouse Events
8.1 Event Handling Variables
8.2 Button Down Event
8.3 Dragging Event
8.4 Button Up Event
9 Main Program
10 Appendix:   Code Outline

Literate Drag and Drop Using the Racket GUI🔗

Justin Zamora <>

1 Introduction🔗

[This example was created for the 2023 Racket Summer Event. The source files are available at my GitHub.]

The Racket Programming Language has an excellent cross-platform GUI that doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves. In this example, I describe one way to implement a drag-and-drop protocol using the Racket GUI. Although not required, it will be helpful to have basic familiarity with the Racket GUI and its classes.

This example implements a minimal program that draws two objects on a light blue background: a rectangular flag and a standard-fish. You can use your mouse to drag the two objects around and place them anywhere on the canvas. Be careful, though: this example program is not robust. It doesn’t do any bounds checking, so it is possible to drag the objects outside the window and lose them forever. If this happens, you will need to restart the program.

Figure 1: Example of dragging and dropping in the Racket GUI

2 Literate Programming🔗

This is a literate program. That means that the source code produces both the program and its documentation using the same files. Racket’s literate programming language, called scribble/lp2, separates the code from the documentation and processes each of them appropriately.

To run the program, open the literate-drag-and-drop.scrbl file in DrRacket and click on “Run”. You can also run racket literate-drag-and-drop.scrbl from the command line. To generate HTML documentation, either open the literate-drag-and-drop.scrbl file in DrRacket and click on “Scribble HTML” or run scribble +m literate-drag-and-drop.scrbl from the command line.

In a literate program, chunks of code are interspersed with the text of the documentation. In scribble/lp2, by convention, the chunks are given names that start with < and end with >. Chunk names can appear within the code to refer to other chunks. When Racket processes the file, it gathers all the chunks and puts them in the correct order to produce the final program.

One advantage of literate programming is that, by having the code and the documentation in the same file, you can develop them together so that they reinforce each other. You can describe the thinking and reasoning behind a program in more depth and in a better format than that allowed by normal comments.

3 Requiring the Racket GUI🔗

We start our program by requiring the racket/gui library. This gives us access to all the tools and functions of the Racket GUI.

(require racket/gui)

Note: In normal programs, we can specify the Racket GUI language by using #lang racket/gui, however, since we are using Racket’s literate programming, our language is scribble/lp2}, and the current version of scribble/lp2 doesn’t allow us to specify another language for the code. Some other literate programming packages, like Suzanne Soy’s Hyper-literate programming and David Christiansen’s Brush provide options for specifying other languages.

4 A Class for Draggable Objects🔗

The first thing we will do is create an abstract class called draggable-object% to represent a GUI object that can be dragged around on a canvas%. Each different kind of draggable object will be a subclass that implements methods specialized for that particular kind of object.

A draggable object has to have the following things:

4.1 Position of the Object🔗

The position of the object is represented using two fields for the x and y coordinates of the object. We also define getter and setter methods for the fields.

(init-field x)
(init-field y)
(define/public (get-x) x)
(define/public (set-x v) (set! x v))
(define/public (get-y) y)
(define/public (set-y v) (set! y v))

4.2 Drawing and Clicking on an Object🔗

Our class needs a draw method to do the actual drawing of the object. Because every kind of object will need to be drawn differently, we cannot provide an implementation in the draggable-object% class. Instead, we use the abstract clause to declare a draw method without an implementation. The code to draw the object will need to be provided by each subclass of draggable-object%.

To determine whether the user clicked on the object, we also need a method, which we’ll call contains?, that returns #t if the x and y coordinates of a mouse click are within the bounds of the object. Since we don’t know how the object is drawn, we also have no way to tell whether the user has clicked within the bounds of the object. So contains? must also be declared as abstract.

The code for our abstract methods is very simple:

(abstract contains?)
(abstract draw)

4.3 Dragging an Object🔗

We need to define a method, which we’ll call on-drag, that is called when the user drags the mouse. This method is responsible for moving the object to follow the mouse as it is dragged.

It turns out that the on-drag method needs to share information and cooperate with other mouse-handling methods, so the details of its implementation are given along with the other mouse actions in the section “Handling Mouse Events”.

4.4 Final Class🔗

Having worked out all the requirements of a draggable object, here is the final definition of the draggable-object% class.

(define draggable-object%
  (class object%

5 Draggable Flag🔗

Now that we have defined our draggable-object% class, we can create a subclass to represent a draggable flag.

(define draggable-flag%
  (class draggable-object%
    (inherit-field x)
    (inherit-field y)
    (init-field width)
    (init-field height)

In this subclass, we inherit the x and y position fields from draggable-object%. We then add width and height fields to represent the dimensions of the flag.

5.1 Flag draw Method🔗

We now define the draw method for our flag, which will consist of a rectangular background with a circle in the center. Since draw in the parent class is an abstract method, we use define/override to override the abstract method and provide our own implementation.

(define/override (draw dc)
  ; Draw the rectangle
  (send dc set-pen "black" 1 'transparent)
  (send dc set-brush "darkmagenta" 'solid)
  (send dc draw-rectangle x y width height)
  ; Draw the circle
  (send dc set-brush "yellow" 'solid)
  (let ([diameter (* height 0.6)])
    (send dc draw-ellipse
          (+ x (/ (- width diameter) 2))
          (+ y (/ (- height diameter) 2))

We draw the flag in two stages: the rectangle and then the circle. We set the pen to be transparent so that the flag doesn’t have a border. Next, we set the color of the rectangle to be dark magenta. I chose dark magenta for accessibility, because it provides good contrast against the light blue background.

For the circle, we set color to yellow (again, to improve contrast and accessibility). Then we draw the circle itself, using the draw-ellipse method. We use a little bit of math to position the circle at the center of the rectangle.

Figure 2: Draggable Flag

5.2 Flag contains? Method🔗

For some objects, only certain "hot spots" should be clickable and not the entire object. In that case, contains? should return #t if the point is in any of the hot spots.

The contains? method takes an (x, y) coordinate and returns #t if the coordinate lies inside the flag. This is used to determine whether the user clicked on the object.

For complex objects, the check could be quite involved, but since this is a simple rectangle, the check is very straightforward.

(define/override (contains? x0 y0)
  (and (< x x0 (+ x width))
       (< y y0 (+ y height))))

6 Draggable Fish🔗

We want our second object to be a standard-fish. Since standard-fish is part of the pict library of functional pictures, we need to use require to access its definition.

The class for a draggable fish is very much like draggable-flag: we inherit the position fields, add width and height fields, and override the abstract draw method.

(define draggable-fish%
  (class draggable-object%
    (inherit-field x)
    (inherit-field y)
    (init-field width)
    (init-field height)

The implementation of the draw method is also very simple; we just use the draw-pict function to draw the fish.

(define/override (draw dc)
  (draw-pict (standard-fish width height #:color "salmon") dc x y))

The fish is close enough to rectangular that we can use its bounding box to check whether the user clicked on it.

(define/override (contains? x0 y0)
  (and (< x x0 (+ x width))
       (< y y0 (+ y height))))


Figure 3: Draggable Fish

7 Defining the Canvas🔗

A canvas% is a GUI object that lets you draw inside of it. It can also receive and handle events from the keyboard, mouse, and other GUI objects.

We create a subclass of canvas% specialized for handling and displaying our draggable objects.

(define drag-canvas%
  (class canvas%
    (inherit refresh)
    (super-new [paint-callback (lambda (canvas dc)
                                 (draw-background dc)
                                 (draw-objects dc))])))

Our subclass inherits the methods we will use (in this case, it is only the refresh method) and defines methods to draw the background, draw the objects, and handle the mouse events.

After defining the methods, we initialize the parent class using super-new and define the paint callback. paint-callback is a function that is called whenever the canvas needs to redraw its contents. In our case, the callback calls procedures to draw the background and then draw the two objects.

Drawing the background is very simple.

(define (draw-background dc)
  (send dc set-background "lightblue")
  (send dc clear))

Drawing the objects is more involved. For this example program, there are only two objects, so I just draw them one after the other.

(define (draw-objects dc)
  (send my-fish draw dc)
  (send my-flag draw dc))

That works for an example like this one, but it is insufficient for a real program. First of all, it always draws the fish first and then the flag. This means that the flag is always on top, even if you are dragging the fish.

Secondly, this approach doesn’t scale. The objects should be stored in a data structure instead of built into the code. You also want to keep track of the order of the objects so that they can be drawn correctly.

8 Handling Mouse Events🔗

Whenever the user moves the mouse or performs a mouse operation such as clicking or dragging, the Racket GUI sends a mouse event to the canvas. We define the on-event method to handle these events. We also define some variables needed by the event handlers.

The on-event method checks what kind of event it is and executes the appropriate code. We respond to three different events: button-down?, dragging?, and button-up?. After handling the events, we call the refresh method to redraw the canvas.

(define/override (on-event event)
    [(send event button-down?) <button-down>]
    [(send event dragging?) <dragging>]
    [(send event button-up?) <button-up>])

8.1 Event Handling Variables🔗

The event handlers need to share some information about the object being dragged, so we define three variables to keep track of this information. The active-object variable will always refer to the object being dragged. Two offset variables are necessary to ensure the smooth movement of the object while dragging.

(define active-object null)
(define offset-x 0)
(define offset-y 0)

To understand why we need the offsets, note that all objects are positioned and drawn relative to a starting point. For example, most of the objects in the racket/draw and pict libraries are drawn relative to the top left corner of the bounding rectangle. This creates problems for us when dragging an object.

The issue is that a user can click anywhere within the object before dragging it, and this location could be quite far away from the starting point of the object. If we use the mouse location as the starting point for drawing the object, the object would “jump” to its new location rather than moving smoothly.

Instead, we need the object to move as if the user clicked on the actual starting point. For example, if the starting point is at (100, 200), and the user clicks at (130, 220), then we need to subtract 30 from the x-coordinate and 20 from the y-coordinate so that we can draw the object in the right spot, without any jumps.

To implement this, when the user clicks on the mouse button, we compute the difference between the mouse location and the starting point and store the result in the offset variables. Then, when we draw the object during the drag operation, we subtract the offset from the mouse location, so that the object is drawn in the correct place.

8.2 Button Down Event🔗

A dragging operation begins when the user presses the mouse button. When this happens, the canvas receives a button-down? event. The first thing we do in response is identify which, if any, of the objects the user clicked on.

To do this, we create a helper function, object-at, that takes the x and y coordinates of the mouse and returns the object at those coordinates. If there is no object, it returns null.

(define (object-at x y)
    [(send my-flag contains? x y) my-flag]
    [(send my-fish contains? x y) my-fish]
    [else null]))

As with the draw-objects method, we call the contains? method for each object in turn, returning it if the object contains the coordinates. Also, as before, this is not a good method for a real program. A better choice is to use something like a k-d tree to store the objects so that they can be searched efficiently using the coordinates.

Now we are ready for the implementation of the button-down? handler itself. When we receive a button-down?, we get the x and y coordinates of the mouse. Then we call object-at to locate the object the user clicked on and store it in the active-object variable. Finally, we compute the x and y offsets.

(let ([x (send event get-x)]
      [y (send event get-y)])
  (let ([clicked-object (object-at x y)])
    (when (not (null? clicked-object))
      (set! active-object clicked-object)
      (set! offset-x (- x (send clicked-object get-x)))
      (set! offset-y (- y (send clicked-object get-y))))))

8.3 Dragging Event🔗

When we receive a dragging event, we make sure that the user is dragging on an object. Then we get the new location of the mouse and call the object’s on-drag method (see “Dragging an Object”). We pass the new location and the offsets so that on-drag moves the object smoothly.

(when (not (null? active-object))
  (send active-object on-drag
        (send event get-x)
        (send event get-y)

Here we see one of the strengths of literate programming. Even though on-drag is a method of draggable-object%, we are able to describe it here alongside the event handlers, and Racket’s literate programming language will put the code where it belongs.

Now we can finally implement the on-drag method of the draggable-object% class. The method subtracts the x and y offsets from the new mouse location and uses the result to set the position of the object.

(define/public (on-drag x0 y0 offset-x offset-y)
  (set! x (- x0 offset-x))
  (set! y (- y0 offset-y)))

8.4 Button Up Event🔗

When the user releases the button, the dragging operation is over, so our button-up handler needs to clean up by resetting the active-object and the offset variables.

(set! active-object null)
(set! offset-x 0)
(set! offset-y 0)

9 Main Program🔗

Now that we have the object classes and the canvas defined, all that is left is to create the main program. Since the classes do all the hard work, this is straightforward. We start by defining constants for the width and height of our canvas.

(define WIDTH 640)
(define HEIGHT 480)

Next, we create instances of a flag and a fish. We use a little bit of math to position them nicely on the canvas.

(define my-flag (new draggable-flag%
                     [x (- (* WIDTH 1/3) 37)]
                     [y (/ (- HEIGHT 50) 2)]
                     [width 75]
                     [height 50]))
(define my-fish (new draggable-fish%
                     [x (- (* WIDTH 2/3) 50)]
                     [y (/ (- HEIGHT 50) 2)]
                     [width 100]
                     [height 50]))

The final step is to create the frame and canvas for the GUI and display them.

(define frame (new frame% [label "Drag and Drop Example"]
                   [width WIDTH]
                   [height HEIGHT]))
(define canvas (new drag-canvas% [parent frame]
                    [min-width WIDTH]
                    [min-height HEIGHT]))
(send frame show #t)

And that’s it! We now have a simple, but complete, example of implementing drag-and-drop within the Racket GUI. We’ve also gotten a taste of literate programming and some of its features. I encourage you to explore more features of the Racket GUI library and incorporate them into your own projects. Have fun!

10 Appendix: Code Outline🔗

Here is the outline of the entire program. Racket’s literate programming language uses this outline to gather the chunks that we defined throughout this document and assemble them into the final, runnable program.

<*> ::=